I am Gary Nolan. I started my commercial construction career in 1976 in New Orleans where I was born and raised. I've had the opportunity to live in several states before settling down In Virginia where I met my wife. My wife Gerri and I have been residents of Hanover county for almost 24 years and have been married for over 34 years. We were invited to attend service at St Paul's by our neighbor Betty Hart. At the time, St Paul’s was without a priest, but despite that, the friendship that was extended to us by the congregation made us want to be a part of the church. Unfortunately 5 weeks later the “shut down” took place. We were in limbo, but eventually heard that St Paul's was alive and holding normal service again with Father Ben Shelton leading the flock. We returned to the 10:30 service and realized that with Father Ben's leadership and the warm welcome we received from the parishioners, we were at home. We both decided that just attending service was not enough, we needed to participate more to be a true part of the church. We were received into the Episcopal Church as part of the legendary class of 2023. Gerri is a member of the Altar Guild and works with the hospitality group. I have been given the opportunity to be an Usher/Greeter and have been trained by Norm Long on the St. Paul’s method of flipping pancakes at the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper. We also enjoy sponsoring the after service coffee hour. We try to live with the thoughts that if everyone does a little, no one has to do a lot. I am looking forward to taking another step into the St. Paul's family and work with the Vestry. Although I am sure I do not know what is in store as a member of the Vestry, I am up for the challenge and will make every effort to better St. Paul's.

Jim has been a Hanover resident since 1979, and lives only a short walk from the church. He has been married for 12 years, and has two sons, one step-son, one step-daughter, and three grandchildren. He earned his BA from VCU and worked for 38 years in labor relations before retiring in August 2022. He was a member of St. Paul's from 1982-1986, Immanuel Brook Hill from 1987-1999, and returned to St. Paul's in 2004. He is owner of Sayers Carpentry, is a Hanover civil marriage celebrant, and is a member of the Ruritans.
I was born and raised in Statesville, N.C. and was raised in the Methodist church. I went to college at U.N.C.-Wilmington, and earned a B.A. degree in Creative Arts and Psychology. I came to Virginia in 1981, and started working in Hanover county as a social worker doing foster care and adoptions. At that time I started to attend St. Pauls Church for about two years until we moved to Beaverdam in western Hanover. I have a daughter, Angela, that attended Hanover schools, and now lives in Mechanicsville along with my grandson, Justin Smith, who works as an engineer. We moved our family to King William county in 1993 after purchasing a house on Rt. 30. The address is still Hanover! I started to attend St. Pauls again at that time and became confirmed a few years later. Also during these years I worked in social services doing employment services and adult protective services in KIng William county. I worked in the Hanover Christian wood ministry for many years until I had an accident in July 2019, which resulted in not being able to do hard physical work. I retired in 2015 in order to provide care for my mother for a year. Currently I am a member of the Hanover Womens Club, and the Centennial-Maury chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. I would be pleased to serve on the vestry. I have had much experience working with people and the community during my 34 years of social work, and would like to serve my church and God.

Mark Stewart here! I have been blessed to enjoy worship in quite a diverse set of worship styles (ask me more!), but my heart seems to resonate most deeply with the contemplative beauty that we commonly practice at St Paul's. My wife Joanna and I have been attending St Paul's since 2022, and were welcomed into the Episcopal Church this past summer, 2023. As a member of the Vestry I'm excited to deepen my relationships with the community at St Pauls, to offer a perspective that has been shaped by a wide background of ministry experience, and to serve in whatever capacity I can.
My name is Ashley Harris. My greatest joys are in the classroom, at home as a mother to Ethan and Blaine and wife to Skyler Harris for almost 12 years. My journey at St. Paul's has been a woven tapestry of moments—off and on since 2014 when I was baptized at St. Paul’s. It was in 2023 that I was confirmed, a significant step that deepened my spiritual roots within the church. Driven by a passion for nurturing my faith and community, I seek to step into a new role: serving on the Vestry. I aim to play an active part in fortifying the church's mission and vision, ensuring they resonate with the congregation's needs while extending a compassionate embrace to the wider community. My commitment to education and family life shapes my desire to foster an inclusive and supportive environment within the church, fostering growth and connectivity for all. With a heart brimming with dedication and a spirit buoyed by faith, I step forward, eager to contribute my skills and enthusiasm to the ongoing journey of St. Paul's and its congregation.
I was raised in a small Southside VA town and grew up in a Baptist church. At age 15, I went away to an Episcopal girls boarding school where I was exposed to the Episcopal Church and it’s doctrines. After college I moved to RVA, married and raised my now two grown children, Ashton and Clay. As a family we attended St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church for many years. There I was a facilitator for the DOC program (Disciples of Christ) and I participated in a medical/ dental mission trip to the Dominican Republic. My husband, Bob, and I moved to Hanover County in 2014. After church searching for a while, we found St. Paul’s in 2015. We felt welcomed and at home, and knew this was going to be our church. We were both confirmed at St. Paul’s in 2018. Since starting here, I worked to get the Backpack Ministry up and running. Bob and I attend 8:00 worship, and I enjoy attending adult Sunday school and Wednesday night bible study. I am honored to have the opportunity to serve on the Vestry, and will do so to the best of my ability.